About me
My first memorable experience with the paranormal was at age 5. I was playing in front of my house with my little brother in the snow one winter day. My mother called my brother in and I remained outside doing what any typical 5 year old would do, making snowballs in the snow. As I was about to eat one of those snowballs I heard an adult female voice say to me everything was going to be okay. The voice sounded like it was next to me, except I was the only one outside. Not really knowing what to do with that information, I bit into one of the snowballs I created and immediately saw blood. Rather than panicking, I remembered hearing it would be okay and proceeded to take my bloody snowball inside to give to my mother.
Accepting that message and recognizing it was meant to help me at such a young age allowed me to start opening up to more messages like that. I didn’t always understand the message or its true intent at the time it happened. Sometimes that was revealed through hindsight.
Two things continue to become more clear to me with age, that I have a healing energy and teaching comes naturally to me. I genuinely want people to embrace all their gifts and feel good about the life they are living.
(For the astrology and numerology people reading this, my life path number is 24/6 with master number 11 in my birthday. I’m a Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon (full moon), and Capricorn rising. Neptune conjunct Mercury in my 12th house ruled by Sagittarius. Pisces rules my 3rd house of communication.)